Proceedings of the Cyril Ponnamperuma Memorial International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research - 2020
English : 2020
Cyril Ponnamperuma Memorial International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research 2020 was organized to commemorate the 25th death anniversary of Prof. Cyril Ponnamperuma.
The idea of a multidisciplinary conference was emphasized by the topics and areas covered by the guest speakers; Fundamental Studies in Sri Lanka: History and the Future by Prof. Kirthi Tennakone (Georgia State University, USA), Prof Cyril Ponnamperuma: A Passionate Champion of Public Science by Mr. Nalaka Gunawardana (Science Writer and Journalist), Organic semiconductor distributed feedback (DFB) lasers by Prof. Atula Sandanayaka (University of Kyushu, Japan), Facing the challenge of Non Communicable diseases in Sri Lanka by Dr. Prasad Katulanda (University of Colombo), Targeted therapies for cirrhosis and portal hypertension by Prof. Chandana Herath (University of Melbourne, Australia), Nano –fertilizer for urea slow release: concept to technology development by Prof. Veranja Karunaratne (University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka), Biofertilizer Production: A major outcome of the Biological Nitrogen Fixation Project of the National Institute of Fundamental Studies by Prof. S.A. Kulasooriya (National Institute of Fundamental Studies, Sri Lanka) and CRISPR/Cas9 Gene Editing to Improve Crop health in the Arms Race Between a Host and Pathogen by Prof. Dilantha Fernando (University of Manitoba, Canada).